Why It Makes Sense to Be a Fanatic about Improving Learning in India
After a few years in communication and political marketing in Romania, I worked in India for almost four years for several recognized social enterprises in Northern, North Eastern and Southern states. In 2014, as a Frontier Market Scout I further shaped up my on-the-ground skills with an operations role.
It was an extraordinary experience and it is this thrilling journey that made me decide the next step in my life and career.
I worked in three sectors - income generation at the village level, healthcare and waste management. I worked closely to some of the lowest income people in the world: rural artisans in Rajasthan, village women in Assam and rag pickers in Telangana. If I learned something extremely important is to focus my efforts. We can't improve anyone's life if we don't focus our initiatives. I believe that basic needs such as drinking water, health services, and income are so entangled with one another that no solution focused on one of them can significantly impact people's life.
One sector is a long-run bet for a better quality of life: education. To inspire children to learn, be curious and enlarge their vision beyond their context is to get them exposed to opportunities so that they find a way to provide for their families. Low-cost private schools that provide English education have this mission.
However, many kids go to school and lag behind in basic learning skills without which they can't learn further. Principals face a lack of teachers and time to enable all students develop the basic learning skill set. I am working to design and regine a distribution model for low-cost private schools in India to be able to support all children gain the basic numeracy and literacy skills before 5th grade.
Specialties and interests:
Social Business Model Design
Human Centered Design
Business Development
Marketing & Communication Strategies
Community Relations
Impact Investment